Coaching and My Approach

  • As women, we often put our loved ones’ needs ahead of our own.

    We don’t prioritise ourselves and so when changes in our lives happen – whether that’s becoming a parent, going through a divorce, changing career, going through the menopause – we can often feel lost, lacking in confidence and purpose and struggling to take action. And don’t know where to turn.

    Coaching is a powerful and proven tool that helps us find meaning, define and achieve our goals, and, ultimately to unlock our truest potential. By investing in coaching, you are committing to invest in yourself and the life you deserve.

  • Success and transition coaching is right for you if you are:

    • Entering a new ‘season’ of life and feeling lost – becoming a mother, menopause, losing your partner, moving cities, retiring – at certain points in our lives, we undergo major changes which can make us feel like we’re losing control

    • Feeling overwhelmed by endless ‘shoulds’ and struggling to prioritise

    • Surviving rather than thriving

    • Wanting to create healthier habits

    • Considering a change of career but can’t work out what that means for you

    I can help you gain clarity about WHO you are, what you truly WANT, and create a PLAN for you to achieve success and happiness in your life or career.

  • Therapy goes into the past to understand and resolve past issues, traumas or attachments so that one can achieve greater mental health. While coaching may touch on the past (for example to understand where any limiting beliefs may stem from), the focus of coaching is to unlock the client’s potential and move forward. Coaches work with clients to create change in their lives. The similarity is that both approaches create safe, non-judgemental spaces where clients can be supported.

  • Now that is a great question! Coaching isn’t a regulated area so anyone can technically call themselves a coach. To know that you are being well supported, look for coaches that have a level of reputable training, accreditation or qualification. Personally I am a Certified Professional Coach with the International Programme for Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), one of the world’s leading coaching schools. I am also a member of the International Coaching Federation.

  • Coaching is NOT giving advice! I will never tell what you should do, but I WILL ask you powerful questions so you can find the answers that lie within. Coaching works on the premise that we all have answers inside us and that coaching helps access those answers by asking empowering questions. I will listen, support, occasionally gently challenge you. Most importantly, I will never judge you.

    I will respect the confidentiality of our coaching relationship.

    I will support you in-between sessions via text or email

    I will never cancel a session - I am committed to supporting you.

  • My clients understand that the more work they put in, the more successful their results are!

    My clients:

    • attend their scheduled appointments

    • understand there is NO judgement so are open and authentic

    • are honest about their progress so we can adapt our approach to ensure they achieve results

    • are clear that coaching is not therapy, consultancy or a source of advice

  • As your coach I support you to develop your strengths and partner with you to work through challenges. I celebrate your accomplishments and hold you accountable to help you achieve the success you desire. And when things go a bit pear-shaped, I help you understand what is going on so you can successfully move forward.

“I absolutely love the positivity, humor and sincere
kindness that Clare brings to her coaching.”